The Self – Realisation of the Higher Self

I rather like the Egg Diagram that Roberto Assaggioli presents to us in his psychosynthesis approach, a model of transpersonal psychology. Just as there exists a lower and middle level of consciousness, we also have superconscious awareness and within that level of consciousness is the structure of the Higher Self, or Soul. Every one of us has had that experience, and relatively frequent, that some stream of higher consciousness downloads into our brains and gives us that ‘Aha’ moment. Sometimes it comes with a feeling of dep connection to the source of wisdom and unconditional love. It often comes to us when we are in the least frame of resistance of overwhelm with life. It may come in our dreams, restful periods, walks in nature, meditation and contemplation or when we are gardening. If the day has been fraught with indecision, confusion, stuckness, the following morning may bring the breakthrough. This is what some may call the Real Self, the Self, the Soul or Higher Conscious.

The reason we constantly slip out of this higher state of consciousness is often our environment and people around us. It may also be because we are not experienced enough in maintaining that higher level of awareness. It is influenced by constantly descending into body consciousness and being influenced by human archetypal patterns that dominate us whilst in this human experience and culture.

The best ways to overcome this problem is by taking care of the body – eating well, drinking lots of water, taking regular exercise, giving the body resistance to work against such as in the gym or lifting weights at home, swimming, running, cycling, cardio-vascular exercise. Walking is not enough. Being in nature, energising through exercises like yoga, tai chi, qigong, pranayama/breath work, meditation. Journaling, studying psychology, personal therapy. Developing creativity in art, music, dramatic arts, sculpture. Developing your own business projects, generating expertise and knowledge and skills in areas that you can share with others. Develop your right relationships with people, healthy boundaries, good communication and assertiveness, take ownership of your own fragmentation and projections.

The key is regular connection to this higher consciousness such as through meditating twice a day. My Guru is with me every day, helping guide me in decisions and making the most of my opportunities and learning. My Guru teaches me that there exists within this body and mind a higher source of wisdom and guidance. It brings truth, justice, strength, resilience, endurance and determination. You connect to this source of wisdom and compassion in the way you choose to that reveals the greatest sense of peace and joy. It is found within.